How to take care of your edges


Cutes edges are the cherry on the icing to the perfect hairstyle. Additionally, they structure your face and give you a youthful look. As we grow, we lose this beauty and lose our confidence in the process.

Thinning or damaged edges are caused by several factors. It includes aging to over-styling, hairstyles that strain the edges, and excessive use of wigs or weave. Yes, most ladies pay more attention to wigs and weave, forgetting that their natural hair needs some love and care too.

The repercussion to neglect is damaged hair that starts from the weak points – the edges. But there is light at the end of the tunnel. You can care for your edges to prevent breakages and even grow them back again.

 How to prevent damaging your edge?

 Avoid heavy or tight hairstyles that put pressure on your edges – some protective styles do not protect your hairline.

 Braiding and tight wigs can damage or thin your edges, enabling them to break so easily. Avoid any hairstyle that tug, pull, and twist, or involves gluing hairpieces to your edges. It is wrong and a potential damage to your hairline.

 Use a gentle tip brush for your hair – we applaud ladies that pull their hair straight into a ponytail, but we know those edges are screaming for release. If you have to brush your hair, use soft bristles and be gentle on your hairline. Furthermore, if you have to pull your hair into a ponytail, use water-based gel to tidy up the edges for a clean look.

 Reduce the use of heat tools – Whether it is a flat iron, curling iron, or some other kind of heat styling treatment, stay away from those edges. We repeat, STAY AWAY FROM THE EDGES. 

However, if you have thick edges, apply a protective spray before heat treating it.

Simple ways to protect your edges

 Always keep your edges moisturized – besides the above-listed reasons, dry edges break off with every slight touch. 

Use natural oils that will linger on your edges, especially at night, to boost hydration and strengthen it.

 Never omit a leave-in conditioner – if your edges are thinning or damaging because of nutrient lack, a high protein-based leave-in conditioner should be part of your hair cleaning routine. Leave-in-conditioner prevents excessive dryness, moisturizes, and protects against damage.

Check your diet – you are what you eat. If you eat junk, your body and hair will tell the result. Add more veggies, natural sugars, fruits, and foods high in antioxidants to your diet.

Do a scalp massage at least once a week – scalp massage helps stimulate or increase blood flow to the hair follicles. It strengthens them, giving them room to grow strong. 

If possible, add a natural hair mask to the massage process to enable the hair to absorb some much-needed nutrients in the process.

Learn to wrap your hair – your hairline is your baby, and what better way to care for it than cradling and protecting it. Silk wraps are an excellent way to prevent damaged edges and boost growth. Whether you are using a scarf, bonnet, or an edge wrap, ensure it is light but firm. It helps to retain moisture, reduce friction and breakages. You can find satin bonnets, edge wraps, and head scarfs on our site to aid in protecting your hair.

Finally, there are no magical means to grow your edges other than caring for them. The above steps should help you grow fuller and thicker hairlines.




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